Its time to open the Keystone pipeline and I say this as a Democrat.  I love cooking in my home, I love air conditioning when it’s hot and I love heat when there is ten feet of snow outside of my home.  No one wants to impact a patch of land that cuts through the United States of America but what we have learned from Putin’s war and what we have learned from the Chinese, is that these countries simply don’t give a shit.  A second irony in this debate is that war machines require lots and lots of fuel so if every country needs a strong defense than its time to put these environmental concerns aside until the rest of the world can meet minimum expectations.  Electricity is generated by fossil fuels, this is a fact! So while people are dying and missiles are flying, what Americans can do to win at home is to develop more technologies in clean energy with our vast coal, natural gas and nuclear capabilities.

The funny thing about those climate doomers is that they all still manage to drive around in their vehicles, eat cooked food and talk on cellphones all powered by fossil fuels. You would think that if someone actually GAVE a Damn the one thing you would give up is that PHONE of yours since it needs to be plugged in every single night is filled with awful lithium that is so bad for ones health it must be disposed of properly. But like most things from groups on the fringe suffrage only applies to others. Touche!! Al Gore is still using airplanes!! lol

Next America is about Freedom and it is time to support Freedom with a new world wide Shield Wall and this Shield Wall is that America will supply the fortified defensive capabilities to any country who first at its core puts the rights, freedoms and individual rights of the individual in-force of law and in practice.  Every other option of governance is on you.  This New World Order everyone speaks of should says now and forever, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you!”  The most non-political free form of thought ever scribed.  Let’s live by it starting today!